Interview – Mark Weins of

Mark-Weins-MigrationologyAn interview with Mark Wiens from Migrationology. Mark says he travels for food and believes cultural travel is ultimately explored by eating street food around the world! Mark is popularly known as Migration Mark and after graduation he set out to travel the world, eating incredible foods and gaining invaluable life experiences. Mark runs his own YouTube Channel Migrationology TV. He also authored travel guides 101 Things To Do In Bangkok, Eating Thai Food Guide, Vegetarian Thai Food Guide and Delhi Travel Guide. Mark’s writing have been featured on CNN Travel, Sunday Times and Philippine Airlines Magazine. In this interview Mark talks about his travel experiences and provides his insights on travel blogging.

Hello Mark, please tell us about yourself. How did you get into the world of travel blogging and what is the niche you specialize in?
I was originally born in the US, but lived overseas in France, DR Congo, and Kenya when I was growing up. After graduating from university in the US, I decided to continue traveling. I’m now based in Thailand, but frequently travel in and out of the country. I originally just wanted a place to share my photos and adventures with my family, but then I realized how much I enjoyed blogging, and just continued doing it. My writing is about street food, any kind of food. I travel to eat.

What are the positives and negatives of being a travel blogger? What is your opinion on the travel blogs that are coming up?
Positive is that you can be anywhere and get work done as long as you have an internet connection, while hopefully earning an income. Negatives are spending way too much time on a computer – I love computers, but sometimes as a blogger I spend too much time glued to the computer and the internet. I think travel blogs can be some of the best sources of travel information. When I travel, I personally search blogs to get information, tips, advice, where to eat. I don’t really use printed guide books anymore but rather travel blogs.

Is writing for large publications(like Lonely Planet,Rough Guides, etc) more profitable than making revenue from a personal travel blog? What is your advice to upcoming travel bloggers?
It all depends how you monetize your blog and how you handle your traffic. One could definitely make as much money writing a personal travel blog as writing for a large travel company. Don’t give up, keep publishing and promoting your articles!


What are the challenges traveling in a foreign country? How do you keep yourself safe when you are traveling?
Sometimes it’s the little things that can be frustrating when we are traveling, like going to a store and they happen to be out of something you really need. I try to overcome challenges by being patient and flexible – those attributes go a long way. I carry my money and credit cards in a wallet that goes inside my pants, I try to just wear simple normal clothes without anything too flashy, I pack light so I don’t stand out – just a few simple things.

Did you get cheated in a foreign country?
Yes, many times in small circumstances, but nothing too significant. I’ve been overcharged for many things, and while it feels bad after you realize it, you’ve just got to keep going and not dwell on it.

A travel blogger who inspires you? Wandering Earl

A weird food that you ate? Goat testicle curry

First foreign trip? France when I was 5

A place where you want to travel again and again? Thailand

Top travel apps? No smartphone

Two things that are always with you when traveling? Bible and camera

Thank you Mark, anything else you want to say to our readers …… Travel in your own personal unique way. You don’t have to follow the main trail or go and do what everyone else does – you should go where you’re interested in going and doing.

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Sai Karthik Reddy Mekala

Karthik Reddy has been traveling around the world since completing his M.B.A in 2012. He is passionate about photography, trying out new food, meeting new people, experiencing different cultures and explore places solo.

2 Responses

  1. ayushya says:

    This is awesome post thank for share your post this is great post

  2. legexpo says:

    Mark Weins, the renowned food and travel blogger behind, has captivated audiences worldwide with his immersive culinary adventures. Through vivid storytelling and mouthwatering visuals, Weins explores the diverse gastronomic landscapes of countries, celebrating local flavors and traditions. His passion for food and culture shines through every post, making a go-to resource for travelers seeking authentic culinary experiences. With Weins at the helm, the website continues to inspire wanderlust and gastronomic exploration. For more travel inspiration, visit

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