10 difference between a normal friend and a Sri Lankan friend

1. A normal friend calls a stranger sir or madam. A Sri Lankan friend calls a stranger uncle or auntie.

2. A normal friend wants to play cricket. A Sri Lankan friend wants to play cricket on the beach.

3. A normal friend means NO when he says NO. A Sri Lankan friend means YES when he says NO.

4. A normal friend flirts with a girl at the bar. A Sri Lankan friend flirts with every girl at the bar.

5. A normal friend uses a spoon, fork and knife while eating. A Sri Lankan friend’s spoon, fork and knife is his hand.

6. A normal friend will eat on a plate. A Sri Lankan friend might eat on a banana leaf.

7. A normal friend will dance to his favorite song. When a Sri Lankan friend hears a baila song, he will throw away his shoes and run to the dance floor to do the baila dance.

In case you are wondering what baila dance is, look at the video.

8. A normal friend will buy you a gift on your birthday. A Sri Lankan friend will wrap up an old gift that he received during his birthday.

9. A normal friend will tag you in a picture only if you are there in that picture. A Sri Lankan friend will tag you in every picture.

10. A normal friend will hangout with you until you say Good Bye. A Sri Lankan friend will say Good Bye and hang around for one more hour with you.


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Sai Karthik Reddy Mekala

Karthik Reddy has been traveling around the world since completing his M.B.A in 2012. He is passionate about photography, trying out new food, meeting new people, experiencing different cultures and explore places solo.

4 Responses

  1. Ti says:

    why so many posted about “piss off the people” how to make people opend n talk n make friend, show us đŸ˜‰

  2. Anonymous says:

    HAh hah ha ah. It’s not just Srilankan dude. It is just Tamilans. By the way, that song, its better in Tamil, the original song. After studying Mechatronics here in Uk, I will have a long visit to Sri Lanka In Sha Allah.

  3. Signal Boosters says:

    What is the difference between an ordinary friend and a special friend?

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