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How to Take a Year Out to See the World

Travel and see the world while you can. Take time off, file a sabbatical and go fulfill your dreams. No money? You can still travel, work abroad, become digital nomad or take volunteer work.

You are thinking hard to have the chance to take your big leap in travelling and see the world. Yet, somethings are holding you back to travel and see the world, keeping you from giving in to the urge.

You always come across anecdotes that start with the phrase “The best way to spend a sabbatical or gap year is to travel and see the world.” That you are really torn with your decisions right now. However, you have just been employed a few years ago or still a student financing your studies with student loans, even though you need to make decisions that eventually will change your life for the better. Your biggest obstacle is finding money to finance a travel, least of all is how can you last a year without going destitute if you leave your job now.

The maxim that money you lose or opportunities you let pass may return sometime in the future, but time you let pass will not, may help you decide. It’s time to take that sabbatical/gap year or time off now. This restlessness may never return and by the time you’ll realize this, it is already too late. You are already jammed tight into a situation where there’s no way for escape or even simply just to take a break. You already have grown unwanted or unwelcomed roots there.

So, the best way to snip away at the fringes that got you tangled in the first place, sit down and reflect on the following.

Establish What You Want to Achieve

You are the only person that knows your priorities and needs. Your desires and passions are your own. Nobody can dictate you how to feel or think. Sit down and think hard or even scribble out your thoughts. Most importantly you come up with a concrete plan of your goals and what you want to achieve with this break.

If not now when? A bird will not learn to fly by not leaving the sanctuary of the branch. It must jump off the branch, so the fall will let it learn the best way to flap its wings to propel its ascent. You must leave your comfort zone to explore the scope of your boundaries. Isolate your wishes, dreams and goals so you know which strengths are your assets and which weaknesses are your liabilities? Picture yourself in the future and where you want to be by that time. It will help you eliminate distractions and will let you clearly map out a course in achieving your goals.

If you have been saving for years for this, then you will be able to book yourself into some luxurious accommodation and enjoy travelling in comfort, however if you are less financially secure then there are still plenty of ways you can travel even on a budget.

Work Abroad

Money will come, if you have the drive for survival. Today, travel and earning money are one of the ways individuals make their living. Many tourist destinations today offer jobs for backpackers, not only that, even retired individuals at the age of 65 can work in choice locations around the world as managers, hosts and guides in resorts and hotels. You can work for a family in a private household in a different country, and be an au pair or a chef.

You can also apply for office work or blue-collar jobs and stay in one place abroad for the whole year. You can apply anywhere for those jobs and relocate later when you are hired. Technology made that possible. The most important thing is you tried to spread your wings and look for fresh winds to propel your flight.

Take a Sabbatical

If you are working the grind and is stuck with a 9 to 5 job take a sabbatical, it is a daunting prospect at first but believe the successful corporate people who went right on and took that leap. Take a week off first for a staycation, you’ll feel more relaxed and clear minded after one week of rest. Then think of how much more relaxed you could be with a whole year off. Jobs come and go. Don’t think that holding a position for 5 or more years means that job is too valuable. If you’re stressed and unhappy you will eventually become unproductive. Will your company continue to let you handle a responsibility where you are ineffective?

Taking a year off to either travel abroad and see the world. Or just to stay at home while owning the freedom to take off for the neighboring town or county in the weekend or even the whole week if the fancy hits you. You’ll be surprised to discover you have fresher perspective and renewed vigor after, thus you become more productive. You can always find a new job, don’t worry.

Afraid of losing friends? True friends will be around no matter what. Get back and entertain them with your memories. They will be so relieved that you survive your antics, they’ll forgive you leaving them for a year. Anyhow they won’t let you escape them. They will be with you all the way calling you, texting you and following your posts in social media.

Speak English? Become a Digital Nomad

Technology has enable remote work. If you don’t like backpacking and socializing, go ahead work in the comfort of your holiday bungalow on your computer while enjoying a fresh ambiance and at the same time giving you an opportunity to see the world.

English has become the universal language for business and for everything. No matter what you are trained in you can always find employment if you can teach English fluently. Today becoming a digital nomad; sharing co-working spaces with like minded individuals to save on cost and encourage social encounter for spiritual and cultural growth is an accepted way of life.

Individuals seeking opportunities to become digital nomads are increasing rapidly. With demand supply equally grows. Platforms providing means to bring together digital nomads for travel and work are developing like mushrooms. These platforms provide aspiring digital nomads to meet existing digital nomads, so they could be absorbed into a community. Platforms for hiring and applying for remote work and connecting with those looking for co-working and co-sharing places are all over, and the range of job positions options are diverse.

Volunteer for Work in Exchange for Board

There are ways to travel without spending beyond the minimum. You can work in exchange for free meals and board.

Technology has enable several conveniences beyond communication and transportation. Today the sharing economy is booming. Innovative resources for diverse sharing platforms one of which is the work-exchange program are all over the world and have even reach moderately remote locations. You can connect with locals via these platforms to look for available volunteer help offerings.

Work range from helping run an eco-lodge in remote mountain resorts to prepare the place for paying tourists, helping a temporarily disabled home owner with gardening, cleaning and cooking or other general farm chores like fixing fences, stacking hays and animal fodders and repairs of buildings. The list is endless, you choose which one suits your skill and preference. Generally, volunteer works take from four to five hours 5 days a week, you will have the rest of the hours left and the week end to do as you want. It’s a great for establishing cultural experiences and to afford you board and lodge.  

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